These 3 Stormcast Eternals, specialising in the despatch of ethereal enemies, notably wield some impressive weaponry – 1 holds a stormsmite maul and a soulshield, while another holds a 2-handed stormsmite maul. Over their thick, heavy armour they wear long robes and tabards, with Sigmarite icons hewn in metal above their helmets. The third model is a Sequitor-Prime; a female model, she is hefting a stormsmite maul over her right shoulder, leaning on her soulshield. You have 2 choices of head – 1 is helmeted much like the other Sequitors, while the other is bare, the sides of her head shaved.
You’ll also receive a starter brush, perfect for painting the Sequitors, and 6 12ml pots of Citadel paint:
Retributor Armour Abaddon Black Kantor Blue Reikland Fleshshade Rhinox Hide Rakarth Flesh