This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Militarum Tempestus miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer 40,000! You’ll receive a ten-man set of Scions (assemblable as a 5-man squad and a 5-man Scions Command Squad), an Officio Prefectus Commisar and a Taurox Prime.
Basecoating - $7.99
Character - $12.99
Detail - $10.99
Drybrush - $7.99
Highlighting - $7.99
Precise Detail - $7.99
Small Drybrush - $10.99
Army painter Brush
Layer - M - $13.05
Layer - S - $11.93
Shade - L - $17.33
Shade - M - $11.93
Dry - M - $9.68
Dry - S - $9.45
Scenery - L - $15.08
Citadel Brushes