A Song of Ice and Fire : Baratheon : Baratheon Heroes 1

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    This box brings Stannis Baratheon, The One True King, and his loyalists to the Baratheon forces. Many of them revere R`hllor, preached by Melisandre who can see visions in the flames. Queen Selyse herself has converted and is an enthusiast whilst others, like Lord Davos are more sceptic. With new Commander options and powerful Attachments and NCUs, Baratheon Heroes 1 will deliver to Baratheon players a focused new array of tactical and list building options in regards to Stannis Loyalists. 

    Tactical Points

    • Melisandre is great for dealing damage to high value enemy targets!
    • The Seaworths will help you move around the battlefield faster, something rare to the Baratheon faction.
    • Axell Florent and Selyse will introcude the faction the the R’hllor keyword. Look out for cool synergies!
    • Careful when building your lists! Loyalty: Stannis Units and Attachments cannot be used in the same list as Loyalty: Renly ones.

    - $49.99

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